Overcoming Dyslexia, by Sally Shaywitz, M.D. Alfred A. Knopf, 2003. The most comprehensive, up-to-date, and practical book to help us understand, identify, and overcome the reading problems that plague individuals today.
About Dyslexia, Unraveling the Myth, by Priscilla Vail. Modern Learning Press, 1990. Considers the dyslexic at successive ages and stages starting with pre-school the effects of dyslexia on school performance and self esteem.
The Dyslexia Advantage, In this paradigm-shifting book, neurolearning experts Drs. Brock and Fernette Eide describe an exciting new brain science that reveals that people with dyslexia have unique brain structure and organization. While the differences are responsible for certain challenges with literacy and reading, the dyslexic brain also gives a predisposition to important skills, and special talents.
All Kinds of Minds, by Mel Levine, M.D. Educators Publishing Service. 800-225-5750. Help for students 11 years and under in understanding different kinds of learning disabilities.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, by Larry Silver, M.D. American Psychiatric Press, 1991. A clinical guide to diagnosis and treatment.
Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning About Print – A Summary, by Marilyn Adams.
Center for the Study of Reading, University of IL, 1990. 217-244-4083. Research and information about how children acquire reading skills and what methods are best.
Clear and Lively Writing, by Priscilla Vail. Walker and Company, 1981. Suggests ways to write easily, clearly, and enthusiastically.
Common Ground: Whole Language and Phonics Working Together, by Priscilla Vail. Modern Learning Press, 1991. 800-627-5867. Practical, hands-on methods to weave together phonics and whole language with the thread of common sense.
Cursive Writing Skills, Writing Skills I & II, and Writing Skills For The Adolescent, by Diana King. Educators Publishing Service. 800-225-5750.
Driven to Distraction, by Edward Hallowell, M.D. and John Ratey, M.D. Pantheon Books, 1994. Recognizing and coping with Attention Deficit Disorder from childhood through adulthood.
Educational Care, A System for Understanding and Helping Children With Learning Differences, by Dr. Mel Levine. Educators Publishing Service, 2002. Based on the conviction the best educational care takes place when parents and educators form a coalition on behalf of the student.
Endangered Minds: Why Our Children Don’t Think, by Jane Healy, Ph.D. Simon and Schuster, 1990. Offers priorities and strategies compatible with the nature of childhood and the flowering of intellect.
Every Child A Reader: The Report of the California Reading Task Force, California Department of Education, 1995. 800-995-4099. Ten recommendations to improve reading instruction and a reading timetable.
Hank Zipzer Book Series: by Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver, Grosset and Dunlap. Inspired by the real life stories of Henry Winkler, whose undiagnosed dyslexia made him a classic childhood underachiever, the Hank Zipzer Series is about the high-spirited and funny adventures of a boy with learning differences. Reading level 9-12 years.
Help Me to Help My Child: A Sourcebook for Parents of Learning Disabled Children, by Jill Bloom. Little, Brown and Co.,1990. 800-759-0190. Written by a mother of an LD Child.
In The Mind’s Eye, by Thomas West. Prometheus Books, 1991. Explores the complexities of creativity and explodes many myths about conventional intelligence.
Josh, A Boy With Dyslexia, by Caroline Janover. Waterfront Books, 1988. Story of a young boy who overcomes the stigma of LD and gets his pal’s respect.
Keeping A Head In School, by Mel Levine, MD. Educator’s Publishing Service, 1990. 1-800-225-5750. Intended to help children learn to advocate for themselves and to cherish their own individuality.
Keyboarding Skills, by Diana King. Educator’s Publishing Service. 800-225-5750. Sure-fire approach to help students of all ages learn touch typing.
No One To Play With, by Betty Osman. Academic Therapy Publications, 1995. 415-883-3314. Empathetic explanation for the anxiety-provoking social side of learning disabilities.
The Orton Emeritus Series, The International Dyslexia Association. 410-296-0232. Series of pamphlets written in language ideal for parents. Topics include an overview of dyslexia, testing, phonological awareness, social problems, private school issues, and college issues.
Succeeding Against the Odds, by Sally Smith. Tarcher, Inc. 1991. Hopeful insights for adult dyslexics.
Smart Kids With School Problems: Things to Know and Ways to Help, by Priscilla Vail.
Educator’s Publishing Service, 1987. 800-225-5750. Clearly written help in recognizing, understanding and helping gifted students with learning differences.
Smart Moves: Why Learning Is Not All In Your Head, by Carla Hannaford, Ph.D. Great Ocean
Straight Talk About Reading, by Susan L. Hall and Louisa C. Moates, Ed.D. Contemporary Books, 1999. Practical guidance and advice, fun games and activities parents will find an active way to help their child at home.
Teaching Our Children To Read, by Bill Honig. Corwin Press 1996. 805-499-9734. Explains why direct instruction in skills is critical in teaching reading.
Teaching With the Brain in Mind, by Eric Jensen. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1998. Has the latest, practical, and easy-to-understand research on learning and the brain.
The Misunderstood Child, by Larry Silver, M.D. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1984. Step-by-step guide to help parents become informed consumers and assertive advocates for their LD child.
The Schools We Need and Why We Don’t Have Them, by E.D. Hirsch, Jr. Doubleday, 1996. A broad overview of why the author believes schools fail children today.
Turnabout Children, by Mary MacCracken. Penguin, Inc., 1986. A gifted teacher gives insight into meeting unique learning needs.
*List provided by the DII