“My training with the Orton-Gillingham Online Academy has built on my previous knowledge and Orton-Gillingham training, but it has also gone above and beyond that by providing me with a very comprehensive, structured and detailed plan for teaching Level One of the Orton-Gillingham Approach. The lesson plans and materials provided by Marisa make my job as a tutor much easier, and have greatly reduced my planning time. Marisa has been extremely responsive and supportive as I have been working through her course. I have not experienced this level of support and responsiveness elsewhere. The Orton-Gillingham Online Academy has also enabled me to now give parents a reasonable estimate of how long it will take for their child complete their remediation program. I highly recommend this course to parents, teachers and other professionals working with dyslexic students.” Lorna (Teacher)
“My background is varied and I have taken many online courses throughout my life. Some of these courses have been mandatory for my profession and some have been strictly for my own interest and development. I have decided to take another step in my profession and felt that I needed the Orton-Gillingham training to make that next move. Since I love online learning so much, I began the search for Orton Gillingham training online. I found Marisa Bernard’s online course and, as I perused the website, was immediately drawn to the fact that is was self-paced and even more impressed by how inexpensive it is. I decided to take the Orton Gillingham Basic Language Bundled course and was not disappointed. The units are accompanied by PowerPoint Presentations and videos to help understanding and I truly appreciated them. Marisa has organized the course in such in a way that you are certain to be successful. The most notable element of the course was the manner in which Marisa responded to queries and problems. I always received immediate and positive feedback which enabled me to move ahead quickly in the course. The excellent support that was provided and the manner in which the course was organized allowed me to complete the course with self-confidence. I can’t wait to begin teaching using the Orton Gillingham Approach!” Louise (Teacher)
“I am a retired teacher of 32 years with a Master’s in Reading and I have learned so much from this class. I love the systematic style of the Orton Gillingham Approach and the sequential element of it. I appreciated all the downloads and lesson plans and all the video clips. They were so helpful & I have learned a lot of tricks as well. There are Orton Gillingham classes for a week long or two week long period here in Michigan; however, they cost over $1,000.00, which I didn’t have. I researched Orton Gillingham online and found this site. I am so lucky that I did. I could take it at my own pace and keep reviewing and it was not as expensive. This was an excellent course!” Christine (Teacher)
“This winter one of my students was diagnosed with Dyslexia and it was recommended that he receive an intensive intervention with the Orton-Gillingham Approach. Since I was the teacher who was to provide the instruction, I needed a quick course in the Orton-Gillingham Approach. My administrator and I started searching for courses but couldn’t find any in our area, or any that would begin right away – until we found the Orton Gillingham Online Academy. It was the perfect answer. I was able to work my way through the modules at times that worked for me & at a pace that also worked for me. And my administrator was especially happy with the price. An added bonus is that I continue to be able to replay any modules when I need a refresher. I have also been very pleased with Marisa’s availability to connect by phone and email & to answer my questions as well as update the modules as needed. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who needs training in the Orton-Gillingham Approach.” Andrea (Teacher)
“I will be homeschooling my son… He is in 4th grade and I feel MUCH better prepared for the job after taking your online lessons. Since he was given the diagnosis over a year ago, I have read a lot about dyslexia and researched many different methods for teaching him. It’s interesting that taking your mid-term really made things click for me – I saw the BIG picture in terms of teaching him for the first time. I am not exactly sure why this happened since I knew much of the material in theory through reading about it, but something about the visuals/videos from your lessons and the order of the lessons just made things clear in my head why each step was essential for a comprehensive approach.” Colleen (Parent)
“When my mom first told me that she wanted me to get a tutor when I was in elementary school I was not happy. I didn’t want to be known as the kid that needed “extra” help. But when I met Mrs. Bernard my view changed. Mrs. Bernard helped me in so many ways. At the time I did not see it but now as an adult I do. I am a firefighter and E.M.T now and I have Mrs. Bernard to thank for that. If I was not for her I would not have had the study skills it takes to pass the many test I have had to take. Not only did I get the tools I need not just for school but for life as well, I also got a life long friend. Thank you so much Mrs. Bernard!” Lt. Jonathan Mangrum, Richland Township Fire Department
“My daughter was diagnosed with ADHD. The school system enrolled her in a program where she gets a tutor throughout the day to help her with certain subjects that she struggles with. One of the programs is the Orton-Gillingham Approach for reading. Mrs. Bernard has been teaching my daughter for the last 5 years. This program and Mrs. B have been such a huge part of my daughter’s life and her success in school. My daughter is now on the “A” honor roll.” Gina (Parent)
“My name is Rosie Hickle and I am the Director of the Educational Services at the Dyslexia Institute of Indiana. Marisa Bernard provided direct instruction, using the Orton-Gillingham Approach to her students and has made such a difference in their success with reading. The Orton-Gillingham Approach is highly successful to Language remediation. It is also important that you understand how strongly Marisa feels about literacy. She has an intense passion to help children succeed to their fullest potential. Our agency saw that first hand when she was working for us and tutored fifteen-sixteen students at a time in the local area and at our summer camp for learning disabled students. She then showed great leadership abilities when she began Joshua Literacy Center, training others to share their gifts with the children in her community.” Rosie Hickle, Executive Director
“Marisa Bernard worked for me as a highly qualified special education teacher and possesses numerous exceptional personal characteristics. She is friendly, cooperative, enthusiastic, and demonstrates an appropriate sense of humor. She is a very effective communicator. Marisa served on our data team, collaborating and providing ideas for solutions to student learning needs. She always displayed a “can do” attitude. In the area of management of the learning environment, Marisa provided an atmosphere conducive to learning. Students enjoyed going to her room for instruction and support. Marisa supervised instructional assistants and provided them with plans, direction, and schedules to successfully support the special education program. In the area of instructional strategies and performance, Marisa utilized research-based programs and strategies to address the vast array of instructional needs for students with identified eligibilities in special education and RtI students. She monitored student progress through use of assessments. This helped her adjust strategies and instruction as needed. The success of a special education program is dependent upon the teacher’s ability to collaborate with classroom teachers. Marisa has strength in developing working relationships with colleagues and in communicating with them concerning the behavioral and academic needs of the students with which she is working. I personally appreciate Marisa’s willingness to work collaboratively with the school leadership and in providing the level of support she does for the good of the school. Marisa was a valued member of the our school team. Susan Bennett, Principal at Fortville Elementary School
“I was a classroom teacher for five years. I was thrilled when I learned the Orton-Gillingham Approach for teaching reading facilitated by Marisa Bernard. Due to its structure and repetitiveness, it is very successful for all children who do not grasp a new concept the first time it is presented. I have been tutoring for two years using the Orton-Gillingham Approach. I am very excited by the results. One of my students was asked to repeat second grade last year. His parents decided to send him to third grade, but to continue tutoring with me. Now we are at the end of third grade and his teacher has told us that he is completely caught up. She can see no difference between him and her other students. He is reading three and four syllable words confidently. He is an excellent oral reader now and he comprehends well what he has read. I had been tutoring for four years prior to my training in Orton-Gillingham. I wish I had the training earlier to help my former students so much more. I never before saw the progress that I see now in my students.” Becky Rosenberg (Teacher)
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